Which Of The Following Topics Were The Primary Concepts Discussed In De Broglie'S Essay?
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Operational Definition of Variables Construct/Variable Security risks The major benefit of outsourcing is normally the reduction of costs and maximization of efficiency. To ensure its success, a company usually focuses on finding the best firm to contract a job.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Operational Definition of Variables Construct/Variable specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The off-shore IT services should be handled with a lot of care as it serves as the back bone of the company. In the present age, emerging issues like computer crimes and increased government involvement in the private businesses has questioned the viability of out sourcing the IT services (Beaver, 2011). In most cases, outsourcing usually revolves around the electronic assets of the company. This will include financial information or ideas. Therefore, Outsourcing greatly increases the chances of something going wrong. Since data is shared among various different users. Therefore, it is evident that privacy is limited and loss of data is often looming. Even though most of the IT consulting companies are known to be trustworthy and responsible in nature, not all are perfect. A company may never fully know or comprehend the down side of the company it is outsourcing from. This is usually learnt after they suffer loss of data or violation of integrity (Wejman, 2006). It is true that there is a relationship between IT outsourcing and outsourcing risks. By outsourcing a particular service, in this case the IT services, the company is always at significant risk. Topping the list of risks is that the company losses privacy of its confidential information. Additionally they are not fully aware of any hidden intentions especially from rouge employees who form the outsourced company. When the IT services are held within the company, it is not exposed to such risks but after outsourcing or taking those services off-shore, they have entered into unknown waters. The risk level in outs ourcing is therefore very high. Legal Issues IT outsourcing is known widely to involve contracts hence the need to have lawyers to represent the clients on both sides to agree on the contract terms and conditions. The contracts are required to be formulated in such a way that they serve the interest of the two parties. The experience of the lawyers is vital as it goes an extra mile in pointing out to the client the various pitfalls in deals involved in outsourcing.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The terms are important as they protect the two parties from each other and they indicate their working environment. The contract between the two parties should explicitly indicate the work required to be performed, the time scale of the project (beginning and deadlines), the pay structure and cycle and method/ways of resolving conflict between the parties (Canadian Insti tute of Chartered Accountants, 2003). Organizational Information Threats There are risks that the systems might fail or due to lack of integrity, information may be tampered with. In relation to this, the organizations ability on constructing sound decisions is also jeopardized.since in an outsourcing scenario, functions are carried out by different personnel governed by different management and undertaken in a different environment. In this kind of an arrangement, the employer instructs the outsourcing company to document its activities but in most cases, this may not be done as accurately as they wanted hence it may be substandard. The risk levels therefore are high (Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, 2003). Organizational Performance Performance of the organization is directly affected by all departments. Failure of one department might greatly affect the overall organizational goals of success. If outsourcing the IT service by the organization goes according to plan, t he performance will be upheld. The outsourcing firm should be able to meet the defined standards of performance of the employer to ensure its relevance to the employer. References Beaver K. (2011) Outsourcing IT services: Is it worth the security risk? Retrieved from https://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/tip/Outsourcing-IT-services-Is-it-worth-the-security-risk Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants. (2003). Information technology outsourcing. Toronto. Houseman et al (2006).Outsourcing, Offshoring, and Productivity Measurement in U.S. Manufacturing. New York; Sage.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Operational Definition of Variables Construct/Variable specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Wejman, B. (2010) Continental Airlines: Outsourcing IT to Support Business Transformation. International Journal of Communication, 2 (1), 19-25.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Eastern Deciduous Forests
Eastern Deciduous Forests Deciduous forests once stretched from New England south to Florida and from the Atlantic Coast west to the Mississippi River. When European settlers arrived and in the New World, they began clearing timber for use as fuel and building materials. Timber was also used in ship making, fence building, and railroad construction. As the decades passed, forests were cleared on an ever-expanding scale to make way for agricultural land use and the development of cities and towns. Today, only fragments of the former forests remain with strongholds along the spine of the Appalachian Mountains and within national parks. The Eastern deciduous forests of North America can be divided into four regions. Northern Hardwoods Forests Northern hardwoods forests include species such as white ash, bigtooth aspen, quaking aspen, American Basswood, American beech, yellow birch, northern white cedar, black cherry, American elm, eastern hemlock, red maple, sugar maple, northern red oak, jack pine, red pine, white pine, red spruce. Central Broad-Leaved Forests Central broad-leaved forests include species such as white ash, American basswood, white basswood, American beech, yellow birch, yellow buckeye, flowering dogwood, American elm, eastern hemlock, bitternut hickory, mockernut hickory, shagbark hickory, black locust, cucumber magnolia, red maple, sugar maple, black oack, blackjack oak, bur oak, chestnut oak, northern red oak, post oak, white oak, common persimmon, white pine, tulip poplar, sweetgum, black tupelo, black walnut. Southern Oak-Pine Forests Southern oak-pine forests include species such as eastern red cedar, flowering dogwood, bitternut hickory, mockernut hickory, shagbark hickory, red maple, black oak, blackjack oak, northern red oak, scarlet oak, southern red oak, water oak, white oak, willow oak, loblolly pine, longleaf pine, sand pine, shortleaf pine, slash pine, Virginia pine, tulip poplar, sweetgum, and black tupelo. Bottomland Hardwood Forests Bottomland hardwood forests include species such as green ash, river birch, yellow buckeye, eastern cottonwood, swamp cottonwood, bald cypress, box elder, bitternut hickory, honey locust, southern magnolia, red maple, silver maple, cherry bark oak, live oak, northern pin oak, overcup oak, swamp chestnut oak, pecan, pond pine, sugarberry, sweetgum, American sycamore, swamp tupelo, water tupelo. The Forests Provides a Habitat for a Variety of Animals The eastern deciduous forests of North America provide habitat for a variety of mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and invertebrates. Some of the mammals found in this region include mice, shrews, woodrats, squirrels, cottontails, bats, martens, armadillos, opossums, beavers, weasels, skunks, foxes, raccoons, black bear, bobcats, and deer. Some of the birds that occur in the eastern deciduous forests include owls, hawks, waterfowl, crows, doves, woodpeckers, warblers, vireos, grosbeaks, tanagers, cardinals, jays, and robins. Ecozones: TerrestrialEcosystem: ForestsRegion: NearcticPrimary Habitat: Temperate ForestsSecondary Habitat: Eastern Deciduous Forests of North AmericaAppalachian National Scenic TrailGreat Smoky MountainsShenandoah
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Sensory perceptions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Sensory perceptions - Essay Example I will give facts on aspects that lead a person to believe another one’s view on the world and also describe factors contributing to accuracy of this sensory data. Analysing and discussing human development as a child and the child’s outside nurturing influences and how this is continued through to adulthood plays a major role in sensory perceptions. My goal in this paper is to research influences and factors that all contribute to the development of the brain that is the key instrument in interpreting situations , circumstances and experiences in the world. Mental Illness, trauma, and consumption of substances. I will also describe three factors that would influence the accuracy of sensory data and they will come under the headings of childhood positive verbal communication, childhood environment, individual beliefs. My final paragraph will bring the titles together and discuss the roles of natural and nurtured abilities that contribute in interpreting and the world. There are certain mental illnesses that can distort ones view or interpretation of the world â€Å"they have hallucinations ( actually seeing or hearing things that don’t exist) Trauma is said to be the causes losing connections in early brain development which can cause mental illness and an inability to form an accurate view of the world in adulthood â€Å"the brain is compromised of many regions... within each of these brain areas are millions of neurons or nerve cells, which send messages to each other across synapses... Because the brain operates on the â€Å" use it†or â€Å"lose it â€Å" rule an â€Å"over pruning†of these connections can occur
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
DDS Consulting Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
DDS Consulting - Case Study Example The growth of DSS is as a result of the complex challenges that faced the small school back in 1990s. This comes as the complex challenges forced the school districts to reduce the administrative cost thus calling for a consultation firm or specialist to solve the situation. DSS responded to its growth by subdividing it organs into different practice department mandate to perform distinct duties. These include the information technology, procurement, and system, facilities planning and contract negotiation. The activities of the different department took place with the help and contribution of its members. That is, a selected manager who reports to the general manager of the company heads each department. However, the groups are subjected to get any technical support from the external sources, for instance in case of any query on the way to apply a certain strategy an individual or group should seek assistance from the specialist and the general manager. The manner or the level of un derstanding and cohesiveness amongst the member determines the effectiveness and efficiency of the groups. Situation - Change at DSS How DSS unfreezes old behaviors and moving to a new system The transition of DSS consulting was triggered by the changes of the management strategies. This after the founder decided to cut back the engagement of the management of the organization. The new appointed chief operating offer took the duties and responsibilities of overseeing the entire transition process. She instructed the establishment of a new system that is she felt that it is important to expand the organization operation beyond the traditional customer and strive to deliver more services to the target group (large districts). Its objective was accomplished through the development of new reorganizing and service in a customer-focused and cross-functional approach. The two phases of change, and discuss how this transition influenced Chris, her team, and the feedback she received from Me g. The first phase of change in the company took place immediately after the founder cut back their engagement and involvement in the company. The action of the founders forced Meg to come up with strategic planning on how to maintain the company’s position and realization of its success. The chief operating officers therefore went ahead to promote Chris as the head of the Southwest Region team. The other phase of changes that took place is the decision by Meg to transform the organization’s operation that is her decision to reorganize the departments into a cross- functional team entitled to work on different projects. This influenced the realization of the company’s objective due to the commitment of the member of the group. The team members welcomed the new system because it gave room for diverse ideologies target common goals, which in turn was evident through some positive feedback from the districts and the specialist. Mega also supported the changes and c ommented Chris efforts to work as a group despite the many challenges they encountered. The feedback from Meg was not the expected result after the hard and committed of the group but the group went ahead in accomplishing the projects into the beta testing. Situation: Manager Profile (Chris) Identify the management functions that best reflect Meg’s strengths. Meg stands out as a strong manager with
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Changes in the Workplace Essay Example for Free
Changes in the Workplace Essay I believe the work environments can be positive or negative on the psychology health and workplace. The work environment has many properties that can affect both psychological and physical well-being, which is important to understand those aspects of work environments as well as identifying psychosocial characteristics of the workplace, which can affect his or her health. The first step is to create a psychologically workplace, which takes commitment and time to develop a strategy to effect changes at the workplaces to improve the health of all employees. For example: the choices that each person makes and how the individual treats his or her bodies; not only affects the individual health but also the individual mental health, which can be carried over to the workplace causing unwanted stress. Also lack of sleep making it hard to concentrate, irritated with the employees, and unable to do his or her daily tasks that the job requires, which can make the workplace more difficult. Unhealthy diet can make the individual sick and unable to complete the job that’s needs to be done, as well as mental stress that can cause more health problems. Studies on relationships between health and psychology has become more establish in recent years because researchers have provided insight into how an individual’s psychology and health. Such as the individual personalities, personal relationships, and the individual mental and biological processes are all factor in relation to health psychology, which needs to be considered when trying to maintain or to balance his or her health, is to find the correct balance of treatment choices, such as circumstances or other alternative that may be adding to the cause of physical health issues. I believe that lifestyle choices that can affect psychology and health in the workplace can be poor diet. For example: When an individual chooses to skip breakfast in the morning can have a difficult time concentrating, or become ir ritable. The individual may also develop physical symptoms such as headache, dizziness, or nauseas. When the individual becomes irritable, this can lead to lack of communication with other employees as well as loss of production on everyone’s schedule. I also believe when making poor choices can develop problems that can affect the workplace, also leads to psychological, behavioral, and physical difficulties. To enhance health and prevent illness is to improve his or her allover health, even if the changes are small; it can make a big difference by enhancing his or her health and to prevent illness. For example: having well-balance meals that includes breakfast and a healthy diet can provide energy, which will also lower the risk of certain disease, such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and hypertension. To maintaining a healthy body, and a health weight, is to have a healthy diet and physical activity to decrease the risk for cardiovascular disease, and reducing the heart rate. However, taking care of our body is a big step toward emotional and mental health because the mind and the body are linked to each other, and when the individual improves his or her physical health, well the individual will experience greater mental and emotional well-being (Lifestyle to enhance Health and Prevent Illness).
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Hotel Rwanda Essay -- Film Movies History Historical Essays
I decided to surf the internet in search of inspiration, and I found it on the mediate.com website. Robert Benjamin’s article â€Å"Hotel Rwanda and the Guerrilla Negotiator†definitely caught my eye†¦particularly since I had checked the DVD out from the library last Friday but hadn’t yet watched it. Benjamin’s article piqued my interest enough to do some additional research on Rwanda, and passion was born. While a colony of Belgium, Rwanda was separated into two tribal groups which many say was based on physical characteristics such as the wideness of the nose: the common Tutsi (majority), and the upper-class Hutu (minority). For many years, the Tutsis were powerful and mistreated the Hutus. In 1962, Rwanda gained its independence from Belgium, the power shifted to the Hutus, many of whom wanted to exact their revenge on the enemy Tutsis. In 1993, Canadian General Romeo Dallaire was put in charge of the United Nations Mission to Rwanda to facilitate implementation of the Arusha peace accords after they were signed by the Hutus and the Tutsis. That mission was derailed when the Hutu president’s plane was shot down by Tutsi rebels. The president’s assassination was the precipitating event of what would become known as the genocide in Rwanda. â€Å"When people ask me, good listeners, why do I hate all the Tutsi, I say: read our history. The Tutsi were collaborators for the Belgian colonists, they stole our Hutu land, they whipped us. Now they have come back. We will squash the infestation.†-- ITLM Hutu Power Radio Then, I watched the movie. In a recreation of actual events, we are taken to Kigali, Rwanda’s capitol, shortly before the 100-day genocide began. Ultimately, at least 800,000 – some say over 1,000,000 – were killed. Paul Rusesabagina is the central figure of the story and Benjamin’s designated Guerrilla Negotiator. Rusesabagina managed the exclusive Hotel Des Milles Collines (owned by a Belgian company) and developed a network of powerful allies (including a crooked Hutu army general) – plying them with bribes with the hope they would be available should he ever need a favor. A Hutu married to a Tutsi, and the father of three young children, Rusesabagina initially refused to believe the rumors of increasing hostility and brutality against the Tutsis (routinely called cockroaches by the Hutu rebels). When Rusesabagina can no longe... ...ion has vanished. â€Å"We need the international community to intervene and help us (to do) justice, and then after doing justice, dialogue.†Lobbying the group to invest and volunteer in Africa, Rusesabagina added â€Å"What Africans need as a whole is not only someone who will come and pay their education but it is also to change the systems in Africa. To help us to change, to find lasting solutions. Africa is ruled by dictators. And those dictators should know that one day they also can be brought to justice.†On July 15-17, 2005, the Save Darfur Coalition is promoting a national weekend of prayer and reflection for the people of Darfur to coincide with legislation being introduced in the U.S. House and Senate. Noting that many delayed intervening in Rwanda in 1994 because they weren’t sure the killing was genocide, Rusesabagina has stated â€Å"What is happening in Darfur according to the definition is genocide.†Citing the cry initially associated with the Holocaust and now also with Rwanda of â€Å"never again†as the most abused words, Rusesabagina charges â€Å"When they were saying that in 1994, it was happening again and again and again and again. So, ‘never again’ to me is not enough.â€
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Netflix Case
Davor Ramesa k0956979 Netflix case Executive summary What is Netflix’s strategy in the on-line movie rental market? What are Netflix’s sources of competitive advantage? Identify the competences key to the success of Netflix’s strategy and explain why. Netflix was a late entrant to the movie rental market and it was a first mover in the on – line movie rental market. Netflix’s strategy in the movie rental market is differentiation from traditional movie rental stores. Instead of attracting customers to a retail location, Netflix offered home delivery of DVDs through the mail. Why only DVDs? In 1998, most available movies were in VHS cassette format but Netflix concentrated on using only DVDs because its marketing strategy was to develop cross promotional programs with the manufacturers and sellers of DVD players, providing a source of content for the customers. Also, there was no competition in that niche market and DVDs were small and light which made them perfect for mail delivery. Netflix had several sources of competitive advantage. For starters, Netflix’s website included a search engine that allowed customers to easily sort through its selection by title, actor, etc. Using these search engine customers could easily and quickly find a movie that they would like instead of looking on shelves of a retail store. Netflix was using the US Postal Service to deliver DVDs directly to a customer’s home. It was more convenient for customers. They used similar pricing to that offered by traditional video stores in the beginning but what gave them the competitive advantage was moving to a subscription prepaid service. And, soon afterwards they offered unlimited rentals to customers because they were targeting another group of customers – ones that wanted the convenience of watching a movie at any time and change them unlimited during a month. Netflix’s engineers developed a proprietary recommendation system. They have done so because mostly the new movies were being rented and they wanted to balance customers demand. How did this system work? Upon signing into a new account for the first time, customers took a survey to identify their favorite movie genres, as well as rate specific movie titles. This survey gave enough data to Netflix’s engineers to build a base and understand better customer’s preferences. Also, Netflix’s size and growth rate generated a positive †network effect†from its large customer – generated rating system. Because it had the largest collection of movie ratings in the world, customers recognized that they were more likely to have their tastes and preferences accurately reflected from Netflix’s site. The key to success in Netflix’s strategy was hiring Ted Sarandos as chief content office to manage content acquisition. He managed (due to his relationships) to negotiate direct revenue – sharing agreements with nearly all the majors studios. So Netflix was able to improve its relationships with its suppliers. The benefit was not just lower acquisition costs but the promotion of lesser known movies. So, customers had the benefit of large variety of movies. Also, using the proprietary recommendation system and the national inventory Netflix was able to replicate almost perfect inventory. This gave them a serious competitive advantage, since retail stores needed three or five times the copies of a movie to satisfy the same customer demand. Assess Netflix’s performance? Use multiple performance measures (strategic and financial). Table below shows (in 000$) Netflix’s performance using 2 financial ratios in year 1998 and 2006. (source : Netflix 2006 10-k) As we can see from the table, in year 1998 Netflix had poor performance. We can see that it was losing 16. 84 thousands of dollars to subscription (sales= revenue of subscription). Net profit margin was not any better a -18. 940$ . We can see that their operating profit margin was 0. 69 thousands of dollars and net profit margin was 0,04 thousand of dollars in 2006. Why was there such a change in profitability? Answer lies in the number of total subscribers which has grown from 107 000 in 1999 to 6 316 000 in 2006. (source: Netflix 2006 10-k). Number of subscribers was constantly growing since 1998 due to good strategy decisions like : proprietary recommendation system , hiring of Ted Sarandos and opening more distribution centers. All of these moves had one purpose: to add value to their product by increasing customer’s satisfaction. How does Netflix’s strategy compare to Blockbuster? Compare and contrast each’s value chain. Factors which determine the value of the product: Price – of the movie Delivery Time – how long do the customers wait for getting the movie Convenience – what actions do the customers have to do to get the movie Other factors(recommendation system, availability of new movies) Late fees Although prices of Netflix and Blockbuster for a single DVD rental are now the same (10$ per movie-source: http://reviews. cnet. com/4520-11445_7-6325775-1. html), Netflix had an additional value because it offered unlimited rental with the same pricing (an example: you pay monthly fee and you can exchange movies, so you can watch several different DVD†s for the price of one). If you want to rent a movie from a Blockbuster retail store, you can do it in a relatively short time (time you need to get to a retail store) as management proclaimed 10 minute drive for 70% of US population. Delivery time for Netflix is their disadvantage in comparison to Blockbuster, it takes a day or two. Convenience – Netflix has the advantage here since you can order movies from the comfort of your home by using the internet. Blockbuster doesn’t have a recommendation system like Netflix. It only has an employee that can recommend movies to a customer. Netflix has advantage here since it can recommend a movie accordingly to the taste of each customer. New movies are available pretty much the same for both companies. Late fees – in 2005. Blockubuster decided to abolish late fees which gave them an advantage over Netflix, increasing customer satisfaction but also gave them significant costs: 60 milion $ marketing + 600 million dollar of revenue loss. What challenges and opportunities does Netflix face? What are the major risks? Major challenge for Netflix’s online DVD rental business is VOD (video on demand). VOD offers additional value to the customer – no waiting period, since it uses streaming technology to provide customers a movie with no waiting period. This is also an opportunity for Netflix since it has the possibility to implement this new technology into its core business but there are several cons of doing so. First issue is that this feature would cannibalize the core business because Netflix would replace stream of positive cash flows with another. Also Netflix found no way to differentiate itself against competitors like MovieLink and Vongo. Another major risks or challenges for Netflix are cable and satellite providers which offer pay-per-view system, providing HD on demand. For now these services had two primary limitations: technology and content availability. Another major challenge is the entry of Blockbuster in the DVD online rental market. As a bigger company Blockbuster has the financial funds to attract more subscribers using heavy marketing. This entry directly enters Netflix’s niche market and now Netflix has to find a way to differentiate. For starters, what would be Netflix’s entry strategy to these new markets? It could ship the DVDs from USA but this option would have serious disadvantages like import tariffs, shipping costs, long delivery time which would lead to customer dissatisfaction and a very small market share with probably losses rather than profits. If Netflix would open a subsidiary in Europe it would not have problems like the latter but it would need investors since financing the whole subsidiary may present a problem for Netflix. Another issue is that Europe, as a difference to the US, is consisted of many small independent countries with their own laws and import tariffs so this could be a problem as well. Another problem is the customers preferences. If Netflix would try to ship movies from the US (which would also present shipping costs) the European customers might not like US movies that much. They might prefer European movies better. Another issue is that Netflix doesn’t have an established relationship with any European movie studio. So they would lose the competitive advantage that they have in the US. Another problem is the language barrier. In many countries like Germany, Italy, or Spain, movies are synchronized into their mother tongue. So customers might not be willing to rent these movies in the English language. Another issue is the competition in Europe which perhaps would be more competent than Netflix since they know better the customers needs, laws, and other issues mentioned already. Netflix as a company started with an emerging technology – DVD, then. Now the new technology is Blu- ray and as the VHS format was replaced by DVD there are good chances that Blu-ray will replace DVD format. Because Blu-ray technology gives a better resolution than a DVD customers might be willing to switch so Netflix should start to fill its inventory with blu-ray discs and maybe like they did in the past with VHS promote and rent only Blu-ray discs. The goal for Netflix’s is to find the best media (low cost, high quality) for watching a movie or even better – no media at all. Netflix’s, as I see it, biggest threat to DVD rental business is online video streaming. Why? With this technology customers have no waiting period and complete convenience. And these are very important factors when customers are making their decision about watching a movie. Decisive competence key for Netflix is the recommendation system and they should use it with online video streaming.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Causes of WW1 Essay
If Franz Ferdinand hadn’t been killed, World War One would not have happened’ This essay will be discussing the question ‘If Franz Ferdinand hadn’t been killed, World War One would not have happened’. History points out many causes of the First World War, history sources both primary and secondary are split on the idea that the killing of Franz Ferdinand was the most important cause. In, this essay therefore the causes of the First World War will be looked at and a conclusion will be drawn up whether in essence the killing of Franz Ferdinand started the war. On June 28, 1914, Archduke Francis Ferdinand, the presumed heir to the Austrian and Hungarian crowns, was assassinated in Sarajevo, Bosnia, by a Serbian patriot. The leaders of Austria-Hungary were sure the Serbian government and ultimately the Russians were responsible. Austria-Hungary prepared for war, and this time the Germans were willing to support them. On July 28, 1914, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. What made this war perhaps an international war were the alliances made prior to it. The Triple Alliance of 1882, the most famous of the triple alliances, was by Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. The terms for this alliance were laid in 1879, when the German chancellor Prince Otto von Bismarck negotiated a secret defensive pact with Austria-Hungary, in case of war. A counter force was organized Triple Entente, this was alliance that developed between Britain, France, and Russia in the late 19th and early 20th century. It was designed to counter the military coalition known as the Triple Alliance. The French government approached Russia, and in the late 1880s a Franco-Russian military pact was concluded in January 1894, and in 1895 the conclusion of an alliance was publicly acknowledged. However a few years into the war Italy swapped sides and became part of the Triple Entente. These two alliances may not seem to be relevant to war, however looking from sources from primary sources from inside Germany, it is clear to see the formation of the Triple Entente angered the Germans. As far back history records people have gone to war for money, power and land and here it is no different. Here, the Triple Alliance thought it was an excellent excuse to go to war, beat the Triple Entente, and seize control of their military and land. This could be categorized under the broad category of imperialism (the belief of building and expanding an empire).However a interesting comparison can be made to a controversial theory about the 9/11 bombings. This theory surfaced in History journal ‘Modern History’, says that a secret organization in Austria paid Princip, to kill Ferdinand and under this pretence, blame Serbia and go to war with them. This theory hasn’t been accepted much, however as the journal very rightly says ‘History uncovers more and more, until what is that to be truths turn into gross misconceptions.’ Overall after looking at the causes of the First World War, a conclusion can be drawn up that because of the growing enmity between Serbia and the Austro-Hungary empire, a war would have happened, and the killing of Franz Ferdinand was a mere excuse or a pretence to go to war, the question still remains whether this would have been a World War. The answer would be yes, if Franz Ferdinand had not died and there had been a war but a little later on, other countries would have still got involved, because of the alliances formed earlier on. However, famous history magazine, ‘History and theory’ said in a few years ago in a publication, that if Franz Ferdinand had not been killed the war would have started, but because the Triple Entente was a very wooly and loose alliance, England and potentially France would not have got involved. What is certain however that there would have been a war, the scale of which remains to be seen. Alas, World War I in all of its horror was a matter of choice, not fate.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Beautiful essays
Crazy/Beautiful essays ?Crazy/Beautiful? is set in both an upscale California neighborhood and an urban, Latino ghetto. It follows the relationship of the troubled daughter of a wealthy congressional representative, and an A student with big dreams. Nicole's self-destructive behavior threatens the relationship and Carlos? promising future. The main conflict in this movie is between Nicole and Carlos. As he gets involved with her, hisA? average slips to barely passing, and his dreams of attending the Naval Academy seem to have fallen by the way-side. Other conflicts occur between Nicole and her father, Carlos and his mother, Carlos and his friends, and Nicole and her stepmother. The majority of the conflict in this movie is relational. Nicole feels that after her mother's suicide, her father stopped loving Nicole as well. Because of this, she is always looking to fill that void, so she latches on to anyone whom she feels will love her. Most of the time, the characters use avoidance in any conflict situation. Nicole's father never attempts to have any type of dialog with her until the end of the film. Even when Carlos has made up his mind that he needs to stop seeing Nicole, he avoids telling her until she pushes him to do so. The only character that does not avoid conflict is the stepmother, she is always yelling at Nicole and telling her how terrible of an influence Nicole is on her younger half-sister. With the end of the movie, comes the resolution of all conflict. Nicole decides she needs to work things out with her dad, and herself, thanks to Carlos. She decides to go to the rehab center her father wanted her to, and Carlos stays by her side. They both realize how much they love the other and work things out. Carlos even achieved his dream of becoming a pilot. ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
10 Things Not to Include on Your ResumeÂÂ
10 Things Not to Include on Your Resume Apart from the cardinal sin of clichà ©s (â€Å"I’m a hard worker†or â€Å"I’m a team player†), there are a few general no-nos to resume-writing. Make sure not to let any of the following sneak into your resume and you’ll never be laughed out of the â€Å"maybe pile.†1. Typos and mistakesCheck your spelling, punctuation, formatting, and especially grammar.2. An overly casual toneThe time to be cool is at happy hour, once you have the job! Keep your resume 100% professional.3. Clichà ©sWe said it once. We’ll say it again. Find a new, fresh way to express that you’re a team player or a hard worker without resorting to tired, meaningless language.4. Multiple pagesStick to one. Clean and simple. Remember, hiring managers don’t have a lot of time. They’ll appreciate the effort you make to keep things short and sweet.5. Fancy formattingJust say no to background colors, borders, graphics, hearts, or happy faces. Keep it clean.6. Third personKeep things in the first person. â€Å"My responsibilities included†¦,†â€Å"I managed†¦,†etc.7. EmojisSeriously. Just don’t.8. Saying stupid things about yourselfDon’t give a hiring manager any material to joke about in the coffee room. Make sure you have someone read through your resume before sending it out, just so you make sure you don’t say anything cringeworthy.9. A juvenile email addressYou might think it’s really cute to have hotdogbro@me.com, but no one else does. Some combination of your first and last names at a reputable service provider will do just fine.10. A loony fontDon’t use comic sans just to be original. Don’t use script. Don’t use anything fun. Pick a totally boring and professional font if you want your resume to actually get read.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Media Meanings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Media Meanings - Essay Example n.d.). Discourse or critical analysis is a non constructive reading and interpreting a problem or text. The goal of discourse analysis is to view the â€Å"problem†from a big stance and also to acquire an inclusive view of the â€Å"problem†and in relation to the â€Å"problem†. Discourse analysis provides an awareness regarding the unseen motives in others and also it allows solving the actual problems, by not providing definite answers (Palmquist, n.d.). The clip of a morning talk show of GMTV, anchored by John Stapleton discussed and debated regarding the issue of Labour administration original under estimation in the number of jobs in UK that went to the expatriates’ over the last few years. Stapleton started with the issues, confusing, â€Å"The Migrant Job Fiasco†posted in the front page of â€Å"Daily Mail†. Similarly in case of The Sun 20, â€Å"Migrants Labours haven’t a Clue†. According to the sources, British people are not getting any job but about half of the jobs in the year 1997 have gone to the foreign workers. It is said that about 2.7 million jobs were created in the year 1997 and 800,000 jobs to migrants, but it was revised to 1.1millions migrant jobs and the statistics of the official was assumed to be more than 1.5 millions. According to Caroline Flint, MP and Labour Employment Minister, it was not a cover-up as about 100,000 foreign nationals came for new jobs in the year 1997, where found to be incorrect and revised the identified mistaken figures and about 1 million jobs which are upfront about. In 1.5 million, includes foreign nationals which also comprise those born and brought up abroad but are actually UK nationals. It is an important raising issue for people, and when it comes to the statistics, taking the same people of 1.5 million remains the same. Later, she also justifies by saying that the administration has the statistics by which they can estimates and introduce new schemes like
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