Which Of The Following Topics Were The Primary Concepts Discussed In De Broglie'S Essay?
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Gerald Ford s President Of The United States - 943 Words
Dylan Marrone Weiss Research Paper Gerald Ford What makes a great president? Being the President of the United States is one of the most difficult positions to be in. And throughout history there has been presidents who faced crisis and made society a better place, and then there were some who did not live up to their greatest opportunities. Gerald R. Ford was the 38th President of the United States of America and was considered below average in all aspects of his presidency including relations with foreign affairs, the economy and social/political cases in our country. In fact, according to scores based on Fields of History, Law and Politics, he was ranked as below average. This proves that he was not worthy compared to the levels of presidents before his time. For the case of discussing Gerald Ford, one of the most important events of his time as president is how he became one. After going into Republican politics at law school, he served in the House of Representatives for decades being re-elected twelve times. Even though he has never achieved his main goal of becoming speaker of the House, he was still supported by many, even including President Richard Nixon. In 1973, Spiro Agnew resigned the office of Vice President of the United States. When there was no Vice President left,â€Å"after pleading no contest to a change of income tax evasion, President Richard Nixon was empowered by the 25th Amendment to appoint a new Vice President†(Library 2). To explain,Show MoreRelatedEssay on The Presidency of Gerald R. Ford1081 Words  | 5 PagesThe Presidency of Gerald R. Ford Gerald R. Ford was the 38th President of the United States, after gaining the position through extraordinary circumstances. His good will and friendly demeanor helped him climb the political ladder higher than even he had anticipated. His career in politics began with his law firm, yet ended up in the oval office. While his presidency was short lived, it is remembered due to numerous crucial decisions he had to make. After graduating from Yale with a law degreeRead MoreThe Vietnam War And The Long Arms Of American History920 Words  | 4 Pagesreunify Vietnam. United State’s Cold War policy was beginning to come into play by this time. The U.S. was concerned with the domino theory, which believed that the communist overtake of North Vietnam would cause other countries in surrounding regions to adopt the ideology. In the interest of the U.S. to support South Vietnam, they back an anti-communist politician named Ngo Dinh Diem. In 1955, Diem took control of the South Vietnamese government with the support of the U. S. Later in 1955,Read MoreForrest Gump Essay1422 Words  | 6 Pageseighteen presidents with significant authority. d. George Washington served temporarily as president. e. the national government was supreme over the states. 2. The Constitution sets the length of a presidential term is set at ________ years. a. two b. four c. six d. eight e. ten 3. The presidents power to convene Congress a. allows the president to make recess appointments. b. is largely symbolic today. c. is utilized regularly by modern presidents. d. wasRead MoreThe War Of The Vietnam War1904 Words  | 8 PagesAccording to a lecture from POSC 458 - the Vietnam Wars, President Gerald R. Ford, perhaps not in any fault of his own, faced a fierce Congress who continued to reject funding the war in Vietnam. This is perhaps because of the Watergate scandal that essentially forced a president of the United States to resign the presidency for the first and thus far only time in the history of the United States. Perhaps, the United States Congress could no longer ignore the ever loud disapproval of the AmericanRead MoreThe Principles Of A Reagan Conservative, Dr. Paul Kengor1782 Words  | 8 PagesParty, but demographics within the United States have changed the relevancy of the principles. Understanding the political climate and demographics of the 1970s and 1980s in relationship to social conservatism and projecting the demographics and political climate of the 2018 mid-term election will determine the efficacy of the message of social conservatism for the current electorate. 107 lines Economically the 1970s proved to be a turbulent time for the United States. The U.S had been involved inRead MorePresident Ronald Reagan And President Reagan1351 Words  | 6 Pages Being president is a huge responsibility, and there are some who have done an excellent job. Then there are others who have made our economy, as well as our country, go down the drain. However, I have to hand it to President Ronald Wilson Reagan, because the time he was in office he really pumped the country up, and did a tremendous job running it as well as helping in every way he could. Ronald Reagan was born on February 6, 1911, in Tampico, Illinois. Reagan passed away June 5, 2004,Read MoreThe War Of The Cold War1737 Words  | 7 Pages Cold War The Cold War, which is often dated from 1945 to 1989, was a constant state of political and military tension between powers in the West, dominated by the United States with NATO among its allies, and powers in the East, dominated by the Soviet Union along with the Warsaw Pact. The development of Nuclear Weapons and long range shooting missiles by the United States gave a lot of fear and caused mass destruction. The Cold War came about after World War II when America used their atomic bombsRead MoreRichard Nixon and Supreme Court1634 Words  | 7 Pagesa departure for America in what way? 10. Who were the members of NATO? 11. NATO had what effect on the USSR? 12. The main Soviet response to containment was demonstrated by what? 13. When the Soviet Union sealed off the city of Berlin in 1948, President Harry Truman did what? 14. The National Security Act of 1947 established what? 15. The passage of the National Security Act in 1947 did what to the military? 16. As a result of Cold War military reforms, the dominant branch of the American armedRead MoreAnalysis Of The Video Lecture On America s Legal History1307 Words  | 6 Pagesin terms of America’s legal history, there has never been a situation where the judicial and legislative branches faced the president with a writ to provide evidence that could be valuable in a criminal case. In essence, this Supreme Court case tackles the political principle of â€Å"separation of powers,†which represents the foundation of the American federal system. President Nixon possessed secret audio recordings of several meetings with the top members of his administration, and a special prosecutorRead MorePardon of Richard Nixon1193 Words  | 5 Pages2014 Former President Richard Nixon is most well-known for his role in the Watergate crisis in the early 1970’s. The Watergate crisis started in June of 1972, when the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters was broke into by members of Nixon’s re-election committee. The press took this breaking news and began to dig deeper into what the Whitehouse (President Nixon) was hiding. Over the next two years heavy investigations into the Watergate incident revealed that President Nixon did, in
Monday, May 18, 2020
Edgar Allan Poe s Writing Style - 1303 Words
â€Å"Beauty is the sole legitimate province of the poem†Poe, Edgar Allan. The Philosophy of Composition. 1846. The name Poe often brings to mind tales of horror and mystery, but this Poe was also a writer of sophisticated poems, capable of extreme poetic beauty within a dark genre of writing. Poe never lived the happiest of lives, but his writing is extraordinary, both for its execution, and for the sheer elegance of the words which he found to write upon the page. Death is among one of the recurring themes which Poe explored. Dark and stormy compositions focussed around such ideas serve only to illustrate Poe’s writing style. One can see that such a horrid subject is clearly derived from the writer’s distraught life which would almost appear to create a trail of death in the writer’s footsteps. That being, Poe discovered the secret to writing. Edgar Allan Poe chose to write in an incredibly dark area of literature, but the mastery with which he explores such subjects is applicable to writing in the whole of literature. The story of Poe’s life is one marked with suffering, suffering so great that the painful scars of the poet’s life have been left deeply embedded in many of his greatest compositions. But as this stands, his life did not begin as so. On January the 19th, 1809, Poe was born the son of traveling actors in Boston, Massachusetts. By the time of Poe’s third birthday, however, both his parents had died, and their three children had been separated into varying homes ofShow MoreRelatedEdgar Allan Poe s Writing Style1942 Words  | 8 Pagesintelligence.†(Edgar Allan Poe) Edgar Allan Poe is a well-known author and poet from the 19th century. Poe has over sixty-nine published works, and many are still being found today. His writing style is very dark, twisted, and depressing, but leaves a lasting impression. Poe based his writings off of his life which was a series of tragic events. Edgar Allan Poe’s work has inspired many movies to be made from his works an d his works continue to inspire many authors today. Edgar Allen Poe is consideredRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe s Writing Style1071 Words  | 5 PagesEdgar Allen Poe’s writing style was not well received during his life time, however his writing gained recognition as time passed turning him into a famous figure in the world of literature. Born in 1809, Poe died at the young age of 40 in 1849. Poe was one of the first writers to use short stories as a serious literary style. Most readers are unaware of the vast symbolism in Poe’s writing, but do enjoy the tonality and imagery he creates. Attention to detail and imagination allowed Edgar Allan PoeRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe And Nathaniel Hawthorne848 Words  | 4 Pagesbreaking free from the intellectual traditions of the past. This is effectively expressed by Edgar Allan Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne despite differences in their writing style through the stories of The Raven and The Scarlet Letter respectively. Although their writing style is different, both authors indicate that breaking free from intellectual traditions of the past is present in their writing. Both Poe and Hawthorne want to know why things happen rather than how things happen so they focus onRead MoreAn Analysis Of Edgar Allan Poe s The Black Cat 1650 Words  | 7 PagesBrittany White Mrs. Bey English 1101 1 April 2015 A Day in the Life Edgar Allan Poe is a very talked about writer. He has a dark, mysterious, gothic writing style. Poe was a troubled man that struggled in a lot of different areas in his life. It is believed that all of Edgar Allan Poe’s short stories were connected to his tragic life events. â€Å"The Black Cat†is one of Edgar’s well-known short stories. It is about a man that endured a series of tragic events. This man was very feminine and his lackRead MoreEdgar Allen Poe: Writing Style1259 Words  | 6 PagesEdgar Allen Poe: Writing Style The short story writer which I have chosen to research is Edgar Allen Poe. After reading one of his works in class, I realized that his mysterious style of writing greatly appealed to me. Although many critics have different views on Poe s writing style, I think that Harold Bloom summed it up best when he said, Poe has an uncanny talent for exposing our common nightmares and hysteria lurking beneath our carefully structured lives. ( 7) For me, this is doneRead MoreThe Father Of The Detective Story1593 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"The Father of the Detective Story†: How Edgar Allan Poe Developed and Influenced the Detective Fiction Genre Edgar Allan Poe has become a household name in the literary world. His unique writing style has earned him much-deserved respect and recognition. Poe s poetry and short story oeuvre follows a consistent, melancholy theme of death and darkness that has captured and haunted readers for years (Baym, et al. 683). Perhaps his most legendary contribution to literature is his creation of theRead MoreThe Tortured Poet : Edgar Allan Poe1312 Words  | 6 PagesThe Tortured Poet: Edgar Allan Poe â€Å"Beauty is the sole legitimate province of the poem†Poe, Edgar Allan. The Philosophy of Composition. 1846. The name Poe often brings to mind tales of horror and mystery, but this Poe was also a writer of sophisticated poems, capable of extreme poetic beauty within a dark genre of writing. Poe never lived the happiest of lives, but his writing is extraordinary, both for its execution, and for the sheer elegance of the words which he found to write upon the pageRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe; Fame Inspired by a Tragic Life865 Words  | 4 Pagespoet, Edgar Allan Poe, had been plagued by grief from an early age. He was an amazing poet and author who just happened to have a darker story. Many who have studied this prestigious man feel that his works, though magnificent, were extremely dark. Some believe it was nothing more then a fancy for him to spin such gruesome tales. Others feel his work was manipulated by the misfortune of his past. These people have actually found eviden ce that agrees with this statement. The works of Edgar Allan PoeRead MoreInfluence Of A Life By Richard Connell And Edgar Allan Poe1600 Words  | 7 PagesThe Influence of a Life Richard Connell and Edgar Allan Poe, two of the most famous authors at the time, are recognize by the different types of literature they wrote. Several of these pieces are still popular today. In many cases the life of the author can impact the different themes, or the techniques they use in their stories. Richard Connell’s and Edgar Allan Poe’s backgrounds reflects in the writing techniques they used to captivate their audience. Biography of Richard Connell The famous writerRead More Edgar Allen Poe Essay860 Words  | 4 PagesEdgar Allen Poe Edgar Allen Poe is a writer of the 1800’s. He has written many classics and has a unique style. Edgar fits into a gothic romance style that was prevalent at the time of his writing. Science at the time was making leaps and bounds and often scientists were immoral and hypocritical. This is reflected in Edgar’s sonnet to science were science has been destroying all that Edgar finds wonderful in the world. Edgar has a tough life with many losses which is also reflected
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Genocide in Rwanda and Burundi Essay - 2206 Words
Genocide in Rwanda and Burundi Between April and July of 1994, more than 800,000 people, mostly Tutsi civilians, were slaughtered in a genocidal campaign organized by the Hutu hard-liners. By educating myself as well as others, I hope that we can prevent genocide organizers from eliminating the minority, Tutsi, and remove the tensions between these two groups. Pressure must be placed on the government to put the 120,000 suspected genocide criminals on trial . This topic is one of the most compelling human dramas of the century. Additionally, I am very interested in human rights violations that are occurring around the world and genocide seems to be the most extreme form of infringement. By studying the history of Rwanda and†¦show more content†¦They never organized a centralized political system, and their alliance is based on small units formed around clans. Furthermore, their head chiefs have made them very vulnerable. The Hutus race is Bantu, and therefore their ancestry is located somewhere in central or southern Africa. The third group the Tutsis, entered and conquered Rwanda through a combination of force and persuasion. The Tutsi represent a little more then 15 percent of the population and were militarily advanced compared to the Hutu. The Hutu come from Ethiopia, and became the most powerful tribe in Central Africa. The Tutsis acquired culture and beliefs from the Hutus. This aided in their assimilating and eventual success of tribal domination throughout Rwanda and Burundi . The Tutsi were clearly a minority in the region. However, to say that this minority dominated over the majority Hutu is too simple. The Tutsi were more numerous and dominant in some areas than others. The Tutsi adopted the Hutu language, customs and traditions. The Hutu and Tutsi still battle today as both groups fight for land, freedom, and power. Another significant actor involved with the genocide in Rwanda and Burundi is the east African neighboring nation of Tanzania. Tanzania has served as a place of safe refuge for the fleeting people of Rwanda ad Burundi. One example of Tanzanias Open Arm Policy was in 1993, when they accepted nearly 300,000 citizens of Burundi who fled for their livesShow MoreRelatedThe Tutsi And Tutsi People843 Words  | 4 PagesTutsi people of Burundi and Rwanda have been bondaged together by major events that have let to the Burundi and Rwanda Genocides. But there’s more to just the Genocides than what meets the eye. In order to understand what happened in the Rwanda genocide I must talk about Burundi and the Belgian rule. Hutu and Tutsi have lived in the same area for centuries and share the same language, religions, and even clan systems. Hutu and Tutsi have also intermarried for years before these genocides even occurredRead MoreEssay about The Role of the Media in Rwandas Violence1631 Words  | 7 Pagessituations and/or events that lead to a catastrophic outcome, such as the Rwanda genocide. The tension between both the Hutu and Tutsi already existed; it only needed something to reach its breaking point – a stressor. On April 6, 1994, the plane that occupied Juvenal Habyarimana, President of Rwanda, and Cyprien Ntaryamina, President of Burundi crashed due to unexplained circumstances. Over the next three months in Rwanda after the crash carrying both Presidents, mass killings began to occur. TheRead MoreModern Genocide in Africa Essay928 Words  | 4 Pageshave been two instanc es of genocide: the 1972 mass killings of Hutus by the Tutsi-dominated government, and the 1993 mass killings of the Tutsis by the Hutu populace. Both of these events in Burundi received different levels of attention by the international community and the western media due to a lack of foreign governmental interest, political distraction, and an unwillingness to acknowledge the severity of these atrocities in Burundi. Interestingly, events of genocide occurring at times withoutRead MoreLife Of The Innocent : Taken1425 Words  | 6 PagesInnocent: Taken As confirmed in Genocide in Rwanda the war that began April 6, 1994, mainly in Rwanda, Africa, lasted one hundred days and took close to one million lives of innocent people. Genocide is defined as the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group. With Rwanda being the most densely populated nation in Africa, housing about ten million people, by the time the outside countries began assisting to stop the genocide hundreds of thousands wereRead MoreU.s. Foreign Policy : The Game Of Plausible Deniability1625 Words  | 7 PagesDeniability As I previously stated in the â€Å"U.S. Foreign Policy†section of my paper, the U.S. was spread across the globe in several conflicts. The U.S. had forces in Haiti, Somalia, the Balkans, and the middle East, so when the bloodshed began in Rwanda, the U.S. was not eager to extend it resources to another battle. John Shattuck, Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights stated, â€Å"Bosnia was in one of its real crisis modes. The Europeans didn’t want to authorize American air strikes for fearRead MoreEssay on Genocide in Rwanda1440 Words  | 6 PagesGenocide in Rwanda Raphael Lemkin coined the term genocide in 1944. According to Lemkin, genocide signifies the destruction of a nation or of an ethnic group and implies the existence of a coordinated plan, aimed at total extermination, to be put into effect against individuals chosen as victims purely, simply, and exclusively because they are members of the target group. This coordinated plan is committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial orRead MoreThe Genocide Of Rwandan Genocide837 Words  | 4 PagesEnglish 2:Period 2 20 November 2015 Rwandan Genocide INTRODUCTION After the atrocities suffered by the Jewish people at the hand of the Nazi regime, the United Nations formed the U.N. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (UNCG), dedicated to the understanding and prevention of future genocides. The UNCG defines genocide as acts committed with intent to destroyRead MoreRegional State Failure With Weak Institutions1362 Words  | 6 Pagesregion. The countries that have been most affected by conflict in Africa’s great Lakes region are Burundi, DRC (Democratic republic of Congo), Rwanda and Uganda. The Tutsi’s and Hutu’s are two African ethnic groups that are not confined to one single nations border and are spread out through Rwanda, Burundi and Eastern DRC (Conflict trends issue 1). When an ethnic conflict breaks out in Rwanda, Burundi and Eastern DRC it easily has a transnational spill over effect because these states have weak governmentsRead MoreStrength Analysis And Evaluation Of Personal And Social Responsibility Essay1742 Words  | 7 Pagesman. Deo and his journey, surviving two genocides and how he got to America, and his journey afterward. A global theme that really connects to this book is, â€Å"the analysis and evaluation of personal and social responsibility†, but why? The idea of personal and social responsibility is that it’s what you are responsible for, it’s what you see as your duty personally and in a social environment. Deo feels very responsible for the troubles going on in Burundi, his home country when he moves to the USRead More Genocide in Rwanda Essay1123 Words  | 5 PagesGenocide War is not a necessary evil humans must endure. Although, war is not necessary, humans go to war to try to gain power, fortune, and to spread their particular group’s religions and beliefs. By definition civilization is an advanced state of intellectual, cultural, and material development in human society, marked by progress in the arts and sciences, the extensive use of record-keeping, including writing, and the appearance of complex political and social institutions. The chaos of war
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Beginning Of Purpose And Depression - 1216 Words
Kara Davis Ms. Carroll Pre-AP English 1 28 March, 2016 Depression â€Å"The beginning of purpose is found in creating something that only you understand,†this was said by Tyler Joseph, a man that knew what it was like to deal with and beat depression and find purpose for their life by creating things that meant something. Depression is defined as a severe despondency and dejection, typically felt over a period of time and accompanied by feelings of hopelessness and inadequacy. About 350,000,000 of the world’s population is affected by depression, and 70% of those are people under the age of 18 according to the Huffington Post. Depression in teens and depression in adults can often look very different, making it hard for others to notice†¦show more content†¦There are different causes of clinical depression, for the most part it is caused by a chemical imbalance. As with the other types of depression, chronic depression needs a medical diagnosis that involves close study of the person in question. There can be physical eleme nts as well as emotional. Some of these would be not being able to sleep or even sleeping too much, insomnia can also develop. The inability to concentrate would be a symptom, as well as changes in diet and appetite, thoughts of suicide or self harm, or even something as simple as less energy. Some people have changes in their behavior as well, they may become easily frustrated, be highly emotional, or they may isolate themselves from others. Even some things that other people may never notice happen. Things like going over the same thought over and over in their head, or thoughts of suicide and self harm. Even if one does not act upon them. Something shocking that most people do not know is that one can develop clinical depression at the young age of even three years old. The age of people most affected though is a very wide amount, anywhere from 14-60 years old. There are different treatments for clinical depression. One could undergo treatment with a trained psychologist or psych iatrist. One could also be put on prescription medications to help with the chemical imbalance in one’s brain, causing the depression. This is a very commonly found issue, in the US alone there is about
Request for Proposal Free Essays
Technical Writing Fundamental 18 August 2010 Microsoft Computer Desktop Software Training Request for Proposals General Information Prestige Worldwide is preparing to upgrade its computer desktop operating systems and productivity software applications from Windows Vista to Windows 7 and Microsoft Office Professional 2010. Part of the implementation plan is to provide training for all software applications within Windows 7 and Microsoft Office Professional 2010 to all thirty employees. Summary Currently, Prestige Worldwide, Information Technology Division is planning to upgrade our company’s computer software to Windows 7 and Microsoft Office Professional 2010. We will write a custom essay sample on Request for Proposal or any similar topic only for you Order Now Making training available for all thirty employees will be part of the software upgrade plan. Prestige Worldwide desires to enter into a contracted agreement with a software training vendor for the training needs of this software upgrade project, as well as for other â€Å"as needed†software application training needs. Recent surveys conducted by the IT Division on training topics, showed in addition to traditional classroom instruction, there was a high percent of company employees who prefer to receive their training via online methods. Survey revealed that those who preferred classroom training, preferred to receive training â€Å"on-site. †As result of company employee surveys, we will be looking toward facilitating these training needs within our organization. Prestige Worldwide will be soliciting vendors that can facilitate both classroom instruction and online web based training. We may select multiple vendors to satisfy our training requirement providing both classroom instruction, and online web-based training. Prestige Worldwide- Information Technology Division (IT) will award the contracted services to the vendor(s) that provide the best value for the desired methods to meet our company training needs. Prestige Worldwide will provide on-site classroom facilities at its San Diego Ca office location, which can accommodate training from one to a group of 30 employees. If you have any question about this proposal, please contact: Dale Doback or Brennan Huff Information Technology Manger Prestige Worldwide Inc. 4545 Viewridge Ave San Diego, Ca 92123 Office: (619)964-2938 E-Mail: Nighthawk@prestigeworldwide. com Purpose As part of the operating system up date to the Windows 7 and Microsoft Office 2010, upgrade. Prestige Worldwide desires to make available software training to all its company employees to assimilate to the new software functions and to maintain level of proficiency, as well as to learn all the new capabilities and features that will increase the skill set of the user of Windows 7 and Microsoft Office Professional 2010. Prestige Worldwide is looking for training that will accomplish this objective. Among criteria and specifications are, but not limited to * Training levels: Beginning, Intermediate, and Advance for 30 employees. * Provide assessment tool for proper course level. * Ability to complete all required training for 30 employees within the allotted 3-week timeframe. * Core desktop software training for Microsoft Office 2010, Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Access and Publisher * Microsoft Certified Trainers * Onsite Instructor-led training Fully hosted, online web-based training * Customized training * Provide course materials, training aids, and related training software. Response and Performance Expectations Executive Summary Provide a brief summary describing training, offerings, and methods. Description of Organization and Qualifications Provide a description of the business, history, and organizational structure of the organization. Experience on similar training engagements Summarie s or brief descriptions of minimum of three training engagements that are similar to the requirements of this training. References must be for services provides within the past two years. Include the name of the client and a point of contact, date of training provided. Post-Training Support Detail any post-training support and resources that are available once training is completed. Pricing Provide detailed pricing of all cost associated for the desired training. Please Include any additional cost that may be incurred. To include * Assessment testing * Training materials * Training computer setup * Group classes onsite * Individual training * Online, web-based training Vendor Submittals Response to the RFP must include the following information * Name, address and telephone number of your company * List of individuals and/or vendors comprising the team for this project and what specific role each role will take in completing the work. * Provide a detailed summary of your experience in similar training engagements. Include names, address, and phone numbers of clients. Vendors may include the following supplemental material You may provide any material not specifically required as supplemental information. Additional material may include the following. * Additional information, and/or descriptions of similar training engagements you have completed. * Additional promotional material describing your firm and its services. * Additional customer references. Selection Criteria Contract award will be based on pricing, and performance. The following criteria shall be used to evaluate the proposals. * The proven ability of the training methods to meet IT’s objectives and experience in similar training engagements. * Understanding of the roject and responsiveness to the RFP * Staff assigned * Cost Prestige Worldwide anticipates working with the most qualified vendor during Selection in order to assure the training proposed fully meets the Company’s needs. As a result, final cost of the contract may vary from the submitted cost. Submission Information Responses to the RFP must be submitted on or before October 20, 2010 at 4:00pm PST. Responses can be delivered by mail, delivery, or personally to: Prestige Worldwide Contracting Office 4545 Viewridge Ave San Diego, Ca 92123 Attention: Dale Doback or Brennan Huff RE: Microsoft Computer Desktop Software Training Schedule of Activities Please note that dates are subject to change based on Prestige Worldwide- Information Technology needs. Items Dates RFP Issue DateOctober 01, 2010 Proposal Inquiry DeadlineOctober 05, 2010 Response in Writing, to QuestionsOctober 10, 2010 RFP Submission DeadlineOctober 20, 2010 DiscussionsOctober 21, 2010 Anticipated Award of ContractNovember 01, 2010 How to cite Request for Proposal, Papers
Concept Of Entrepreneurship All Across World †Free Samples
Question: Discuss About The Concept Of Entrepreneurship All Across World? Answer: Introduction The concept of entrepreneurship all across the world is taken as the important assets that every country must cultivate, motivate and also reward it well so that it can achieve the highest level possible. It is often changed the way in which people work as well as lead their lives. In case of success, the level of innovation along with creativity can increase the standard of living for the people (Silverthorne, 2017). It also means that apart from developing wealth from different venture options for entrepreneurship, it is also important to create employment options and the situations for the country and society to prosperous. Definition of entrepreneurship The concept or the idea of entrepreneurship can be defined as a person who initiate, organize as well as manage any establishments in the form of organization which is also surrounded by considerable amount of risks and initiatives (Ismail et al., 2016). It can be small establishment as well as big business with big risks and rewards as well. The overall concept depends on perceiving new opportunities in business and them usually shows a positive kind of biases in different perceptions. It is also amalgamated with a risk taking approach that can make them more options or alternatives as opportunities (Remund et al., 2017). Entrepreneurs should also control several commercial based undertaking with directions for different factors of production along with human, financial and material based resources that are needed for exploiting the business opportunities. (Borisseko Boschma, 2017). An entrepreneur has to take over different positions like manager as well as they also oversees the launch and development associated with enterprise. In other words, it is a process which can help people or a team to recognize a business opportunity and get as well as deploy the importance of resources needed for proper exploitation. It further may also include: - Development of plan for business Recruiting or hiring the right kind of human resources Getting material and financial resources Providing right kind of leadership Acting more responsible for the success of the venture as well as failure (Kapinga and Montero, 2017) Matter of risk aversion Origin of Entrepreneurship The word entrepreneur is taken from a French word. This word first used in the year 1723 and in the todays world it implies as the qualities based on initiative, leadership as well as innovation in new kind of venture based designs. According to number of authors, the term is associated with the concept of team building, ability of management and essential qualities for any entrepreneur to have (Borissenko Boschma, 2017). In historical term, the study of this concept goes back in late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries when the concept of classical economics also introduced. In 20th century, the concept was thoroughly studied by authors like Joseph Schumpeter and other types of economists like Ludwig von Mises and many more. The word entrepreneurship was introduced around the year 1920 (Alvarez et al., 2016). Mindset The clear defining of the activities that need to be processes. The protection and the management of the time. A proper planning of the day Outcome oriented Dealing with the different actual facts Living for providing a better value. Performance of the mind makeover. Entrepreneurship and the concept of business ventures For many years to come, advancement in technology will help in creating more and more kind of jobs in several respective industries all across the world. At the same time, the present technology industry can also become one of the most lucrative industries in terms opportunities for prospective or potential entrepreneurs like food and beverages. Such industry can expect a steady level of development next few years (Kirzner, 2015). It is important to understand here that technology is making several industries very appealing for many entrepreneurs and it is also crucial for any entrepreneur and their business career to do something that can help in generating returns at steady pace before actually moving on other projects. Market expansion The market obviously looks for the opportunities to expand in several industries and can be taken as one of the stepping stone towards several business operations. This is why, it become easier to develop the business in rapid manner and also expand the personal wealth of the entrepreneur. After the recession that hit the world economy in the year 2008, people in many developed countries like USA, is spending more and more money on forms like entertainment instead of taking high prices vacation or sports (Kuratko, 2016). The economies of several countries are still recovering, the trend however continues since the future looks bright for such ventures. The focus is developing in this niche market with affordable kind of entertainment (Coviello et al., 2017). The level of affordability will also result in business partners and leveraging the future because of stagnant prices of liquor and there will also be an interest which will help in setting the bar. Role of the entrepreneur As far as role of entrepreneur is concerned, the fist basic or on fundamental grounds, there is neoclassical form of theory that has no role for the entrepreneurs because the market is based on achieving the equilibrium in market which also means no profit. As per the Austrian theory, the concept is also based on driving profit in the market which further pushes the market towards the level of equilibrium (Schaper et al., 2014). Then there is role of discovery and as per neoclassical theory, it suggests that the overall decision and the results are not rightly corrected or modified. There is no kind of evolvement or level of improvement. It is important to understand here that incorrect or wrong decisions are further corrected by attentive kinds of entrepreneurs (Shiri, 2017). In addition, the entrepreneurs also help in stimulating the additional form of discovery with the help of profit based options presented when there is any mistake and this cycle further pushes the market towards achieving a level of equilibrium. (Coviello Tanev, 2017). However, the important fact is that it is never achieved because of the constant change. Franchises and entrepreneurship The business or organization has great opportunities of achieving success and to initiate the process, the marketing strategy consists of many potential ideas like franchises. There are so many competitors as well that create individual level of location for the strong customer based and the idea to expand the overall scale along with product for the business will help in accomplishing the success. The company will also help in setting up like a corporation and business that tends to identify the right strengths of every element tend to achieve success in right manner. Since there is also some kind of need to take final decisions within the companies, it is right for every founder to accomplish the same money for right kind of input as well as investment. In such cases, the struggle for the companies to move forward becomes long term plan (Storey, 2016). The first year of the organization is expected to struggle to achieve the target and the sales as expected since this is the time to make foundations and form deep roots. In order to establish business at large scale and in large city, it is expected to make moderate amount of profit given all right steps are taken in this direction. Importance of entrepreneurship The concept of entrepreneurship usually develops a set of options for the sake of employment and on initiating the business with the help of monetary assets, the owners or the entrepreneur needs to share the load of word in equal manner. It is also important to understand and employ right kind of people to work since over a period of time, the overall satisfaction with the investment will come when every element has been used and optimized in right manner. When the size or the scale of the business is huge, it becomes their ability to offer more employment opportunities for people. The concept of entrepreneurship also helps in boosting the growth of the economy and through properly creating the employment, people normally creates more wealth (Storey, 2016). In addition, the entrepreneurship and innovation in it tend to provide the product of high quality at the lowest possible rates. People therefore get to experience the best products and at the same time, saves a huge amount of mon ey. The strengths help in boosting the economy of the country. In addition, the concept of entrepreneurship also helps in strengthen the small scale businesses. These kinds of functions and activities normally offer right kind of strength to small businesses as well and as an outcome, the current niche market further flourishes to give some kind of strength for the national economy. This is why, the concept of entrepreneurship is an investment and it is also perceived as a paramount for the current economy of the world. (Drucker, 2014). Finally, entrepreneurship is crucial or important for the overall enhancement of the managerial level of capabilities. The large important of this concept is based on the fact it helps in the recognizing and developing the managerial capabilities of the entrepreneur. The study is also based on the issue that decides the option in comparison of the advantages and the overall cost involved with it and in the end based on the best option (Baum et al., 2014). The process also helps in honing or sharpening the talent or skills of taking right decisions. In addition, the owner or entrepreneurs also use all these skills to develop new set of products and advanced technologies, which can switch or replace the older options with high level of performance. The entrepreneurs can actually be taken as gamblers who have the skill to take risk and the chances of winning rise when he has the power and ability to use right skills. It is important to have some level of tolerance for taking right kind of risk that is important feature for the entrepreneurs. (Shiri, 2017). The risk taking ability can be taken as an activity even if the consequences are negative by nature. Establishing a business from scratch is risky business and especially when the money of people gets involved in it. There is time when there is a risk of convincing investors to come along with new venture or by also forming the team of entrepreneurs (Shepherd, 2015). Conclusion The concept and overall advantages of the concept of entrepreneurship cannot be underestimated. This is why, people must move from the mentality of forming category in the sectors of small business to a separate distinct entity. The concept of entrepreneurship is the foundation of achieving great form of businesses and for the current economy as a whole it is important to accomplish it in long run (Shepherd, 2015) Reference Alvarez, A,S., Audretsch, D and Link, N, A., 2016. Advancing Our Understanding of Theory in Entrepreneurship https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/sej.1216/full Baum, J.R., Frese, M. and Baron, R.A. eds., 2014.The psychology of entrepreneurship. Psychology Press. Borissenko, J. and Boschma, R., 2017.A critical review of entrepreneurial ecosystems research: towards a future research agenda(No. 2017/3). Lund University, CIRCLE-Center for Innovation, Research and Competences in the Learning Economy. Coviello, N. and Tanev, S., 2017. 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Sunday, May 3, 2020
The Internet Censorship Essay Example For Students
The Internet Censorship Essay Most of us have used it. Most of us find it useful, Some of us find it entertaining. Some of us find it offensive. It is the Internet. The Internet has dramatically changed our society. It brings together people and their ideas from all around the world in a short amount of time. It is expanding daily to allow new ideas and thought s to be transmitted quickly and easily with the single click of a button. One can find information on almost any subject there. Yet many people are trying to censor it. The Internet contains racist thoughts, sexually explicit material and much more inappropriate material. But who is it inappropriate for and why should it be censored? In 1996 the Communications Decency Amendment was passed by congress. This amendment imposed a $100,000 fine or a 2-year jail term on anyone who used the Internet to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass anyone else. Pro-censors believed the act to be necessary in order to extend the standards of decency to the new telecommunications device. Anti-censors thought the amendment was acting like the thought police. Recently though the Supreme Court overturned the Communications Decency Act in the civil case of Reno v. ACLU. This new law states that the Internet deserves the same level of speech protection as books or other printed material. Even with this new law in effect many people are still trying and some are succeeding at censoring the Internet. They are creating schemes to block and rate the net. A meeting recently took place at the White House about this subject. Several industry leaders and the government agreed to try to originate a variety of systems to block and regulate controversial online speech. Despite the Supreme Court these leaders are inching toward the dangerous and incorrect understanding that the Internet is like television and should be rated and/or censored. During this meeting many announcements took place. Netscape, a major online server, proclaimed their plans to join Microsoft, a major computer company, and adopt the Platform for Internet Content Selection PICS. PICS is a rating standard that established a consistent way to rate and block online content. IBM also had an announcement: They have decided to make a $100,000 grant to Recreational Software Advisory Council RSAC, another rating system. They did this in hopes of encouraging its use. Senator Patty Murray of New York announced of a proposed legislation that would tax civil and ultimately criminal penalties on those who mis-rate a website. What will be the result of all these actions? The Internet will become bland and homogenized. The major commercial sites will still be readily available but those who circulate quirky and idiosyncratic speech, those who create their own home pages or post to controversial news groups will be the first to be blocked by filters and made invisible by the search engines. They will still be there but available only to those with the know how and the tools. Does this material deserve to be censored anyway? Internet users know best what they are looking at. If it offends them, they should move on. The primary responsibility for determining what speech to access and what speech not to access should remain up to the Internet user not filters. Many parents have a problem with their children and the Internet. There are many suggestions and ideas for controlling what they are viewing. The parents should also have they computer in a room where they can look over the childs shoulders every once in a while to check up on them. The parents should put time restrictions on usage of the computer. There are many solutions to this problem. In conclusion the Internet is a quickly growing addition to our culture. , It informs, entertains and can possible offend. But with the Supreme Courts ruling, no one should be allowed to censor it. The Internet is a never-ending worldwide conversation that deserves the highest protection from government intrusion.
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