Which Of The Following Topics Were The Primary Concepts Discussed In De Broglie'S Essay?
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Concept Of Entrepreneurship All Across World †Free Samples
Question: Discuss About The Concept Of Entrepreneurship All Across World? Answer: Introduction The concept of entrepreneurship all across the world is taken as the important assets that every country must cultivate, motivate and also reward it well so that it can achieve the highest level possible. It is often changed the way in which people work as well as lead their lives. In case of success, the level of innovation along with creativity can increase the standard of living for the people (Silverthorne, 2017). It also means that apart from developing wealth from different venture options for entrepreneurship, it is also important to create employment options and the situations for the country and society to prosperous. Definition of entrepreneurship The concept or the idea of entrepreneurship can be defined as a person who initiate, organize as well as manage any establishments in the form of organization which is also surrounded by considerable amount of risks and initiatives (Ismail et al., 2016). It can be small establishment as well as big business with big risks and rewards as well. The overall concept depends on perceiving new opportunities in business and them usually shows a positive kind of biases in different perceptions. It is also amalgamated with a risk taking approach that can make them more options or alternatives as opportunities (Remund et al., 2017). Entrepreneurs should also control several commercial based undertaking with directions for different factors of production along with human, financial and material based resources that are needed for exploiting the business opportunities. (Borisseko Boschma, 2017). An entrepreneur has to take over different positions like manager as well as they also oversees the launch and development associated with enterprise. In other words, it is a process which can help people or a team to recognize a business opportunity and get as well as deploy the importance of resources needed for proper exploitation. It further may also include: - Development of plan for business Recruiting or hiring the right kind of human resources Getting material and financial resources Providing right kind of leadership Acting more responsible for the success of the venture as well as failure (Kapinga and Montero, 2017) Matter of risk aversion Origin of Entrepreneurship The word entrepreneur is taken from a French word. This word first used in the year 1723 and in the todays world it implies as the qualities based on initiative, leadership as well as innovation in new kind of venture based designs. According to number of authors, the term is associated with the concept of team building, ability of management and essential qualities for any entrepreneur to have (Borissenko Boschma, 2017). In historical term, the study of this concept goes back in late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries when the concept of classical economics also introduced. In 20th century, the concept was thoroughly studied by authors like Joseph Schumpeter and other types of economists like Ludwig von Mises and many more. The word entrepreneurship was introduced around the year 1920 (Alvarez et al., 2016). Mindset The clear defining of the activities that need to be processes. The protection and the management of the time. A proper planning of the day Outcome oriented Dealing with the different actual facts Living for providing a better value. Performance of the mind makeover. Entrepreneurship and the concept of business ventures For many years to come, advancement in technology will help in creating more and more kind of jobs in several respective industries all across the world. At the same time, the present technology industry can also become one of the most lucrative industries in terms opportunities for prospective or potential entrepreneurs like food and beverages. Such industry can expect a steady level of development next few years (Kirzner, 2015). It is important to understand here that technology is making several industries very appealing for many entrepreneurs and it is also crucial for any entrepreneur and their business career to do something that can help in generating returns at steady pace before actually moving on other projects. Market expansion The market obviously looks for the opportunities to expand in several industries and can be taken as one of the stepping stone towards several business operations. This is why, it become easier to develop the business in rapid manner and also expand the personal wealth of the entrepreneur. After the recession that hit the world economy in the year 2008, people in many developed countries like USA, is spending more and more money on forms like entertainment instead of taking high prices vacation or sports (Kuratko, 2016). The economies of several countries are still recovering, the trend however continues since the future looks bright for such ventures. The focus is developing in this niche market with affordable kind of entertainment (Coviello et al., 2017). The level of affordability will also result in business partners and leveraging the future because of stagnant prices of liquor and there will also be an interest which will help in setting the bar. Role of the entrepreneur As far as role of entrepreneur is concerned, the fist basic or on fundamental grounds, there is neoclassical form of theory that has no role for the entrepreneurs because the market is based on achieving the equilibrium in market which also means no profit. As per the Austrian theory, the concept is also based on driving profit in the market which further pushes the market towards the level of equilibrium (Schaper et al., 2014). Then there is role of discovery and as per neoclassical theory, it suggests that the overall decision and the results are not rightly corrected or modified. There is no kind of evolvement or level of improvement. It is important to understand here that incorrect or wrong decisions are further corrected by attentive kinds of entrepreneurs (Shiri, 2017). In addition, the entrepreneurs also help in stimulating the additional form of discovery with the help of profit based options presented when there is any mistake and this cycle further pushes the market towards achieving a level of equilibrium. (Coviello Tanev, 2017). However, the important fact is that it is never achieved because of the constant change. Franchises and entrepreneurship The business or organization has great opportunities of achieving success and to initiate the process, the marketing strategy consists of many potential ideas like franchises. There are so many competitors as well that create individual level of location for the strong customer based and the idea to expand the overall scale along with product for the business will help in accomplishing the success. The company will also help in setting up like a corporation and business that tends to identify the right strengths of every element tend to achieve success in right manner. Since there is also some kind of need to take final decisions within the companies, it is right for every founder to accomplish the same money for right kind of input as well as investment. In such cases, the struggle for the companies to move forward becomes long term plan (Storey, 2016). The first year of the organization is expected to struggle to achieve the target and the sales as expected since this is the time to make foundations and form deep roots. In order to establish business at large scale and in large city, it is expected to make moderate amount of profit given all right steps are taken in this direction. Importance of entrepreneurship The concept of entrepreneurship usually develops a set of options for the sake of employment and on initiating the business with the help of monetary assets, the owners or the entrepreneur needs to share the load of word in equal manner. It is also important to understand and employ right kind of people to work since over a period of time, the overall satisfaction with the investment will come when every element has been used and optimized in right manner. When the size or the scale of the business is huge, it becomes their ability to offer more employment opportunities for people. The concept of entrepreneurship also helps in boosting the growth of the economy and through properly creating the employment, people normally creates more wealth (Storey, 2016). In addition, the entrepreneurship and innovation in it tend to provide the product of high quality at the lowest possible rates. People therefore get to experience the best products and at the same time, saves a huge amount of mon ey. The strengths help in boosting the economy of the country. In addition, the concept of entrepreneurship also helps in strengthen the small scale businesses. These kinds of functions and activities normally offer right kind of strength to small businesses as well and as an outcome, the current niche market further flourishes to give some kind of strength for the national economy. This is why, the concept of entrepreneurship is an investment and it is also perceived as a paramount for the current economy of the world. (Drucker, 2014). Finally, entrepreneurship is crucial or important for the overall enhancement of the managerial level of capabilities. The large important of this concept is based on the fact it helps in the recognizing and developing the managerial capabilities of the entrepreneur. The study is also based on the issue that decides the option in comparison of the advantages and the overall cost involved with it and in the end based on the best option (Baum et al., 2014). The process also helps in honing or sharpening the talent or skills of taking right decisions. In addition, the owner or entrepreneurs also use all these skills to develop new set of products and advanced technologies, which can switch or replace the older options with high level of performance. The entrepreneurs can actually be taken as gamblers who have the skill to take risk and the chances of winning rise when he has the power and ability to use right skills. It is important to have some level of tolerance for taking right kind of risk that is important feature for the entrepreneurs. (Shiri, 2017). The risk taking ability can be taken as an activity even if the consequences are negative by nature. Establishing a business from scratch is risky business and especially when the money of people gets involved in it. There is time when there is a risk of convincing investors to come along with new venture or by also forming the team of entrepreneurs (Shepherd, 2015). Conclusion The concept and overall advantages of the concept of entrepreneurship cannot be underestimated. This is why, people must move from the mentality of forming category in the sectors of small business to a separate distinct entity. The concept of entrepreneurship is the foundation of achieving great form of businesses and for the current economy as a whole it is important to accomplish it in long run (Shepherd, 2015) Reference Alvarez, A,S., Audretsch, D and Link, N, A., 2016. Advancing Our Understanding of Theory in Entrepreneurship https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/sej.1216/full Baum, J.R., Frese, M. and Baron, R.A. eds., 2014.The psychology of entrepreneurship. Psychology Press. Borissenko, J. and Boschma, R., 2017.A critical review of entrepreneurial ecosystems research: towards a future research agenda(No. 2017/3). Lund University, CIRCLE-Center for Innovation, Research and Competences in the Learning Economy. Coviello, N. and Tanev, S., 2017. 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